ALIGN & REFINE workshop

Saturday January 11th 2025 2-4pm £33 Tonbridge

“A pain free, active lifestyle is not only possible, but it is the way you should expect to feel and live, no matter your age, no matter your previous experience”  – Pete Egoscue, founder of The Egoscue Method

Imbalances in your postural alignment can be the source of chronic pain, repetitive injuries, recurring  headaches, jaw pain….all of which affect not only physical but emotional well-being.

This monthly 2 hour workshop will help to reacquaint you with your body, providing activation to all the major muscle groups. Through a series of specifically targeted exercises (each one a functional test), we assess the function of the muscles, revealing which ones work the way they were designed to and which ones are not pulling their weight – literally!

Align & Refine is an enlightening opportunity to activate and empower the body AND the brain cells!

NB. Therapies at Align are not a substitute for medical treatment and appropriate advice should be taken in these areas

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