invigorating tone and release

Buddhism expounds the virtues of the Middle Way – seeking to reconcile opposing viewpoints, or in this case, the opposition we all face of trying to feel calm in a world where living in tension is the norm.

The Middle Way is all about finding balance, a place of trust. Iron out stress and tension in the shoulders neck, head and face, firm, tone and plump muscles with deep, relaxing massage techniques which allow you to trust in letting go. Balance out, invigorating areas where muscles have becomes slack and teasing out the fibres of muscles that have become ‘glued’ together through tension.

This level will stimulate and lift your spirits (and your face), while mitigating constrictions in the muscles of the shoulders, neck, head and face, which prevent oxygentated blood and vital lymph from flowing freely. Improving this flow helps to improve focus as well as skin tone!

4 treatments are recommended for regular improvement of both relaxation and facial brightening.

PLEASE NOTE: Using natural oils and gua sha tools, as everything will be worked up the face, shoulders and neck and into massage of the scalp, you may want to come on a day your hair hasn’t been washed!

Unique to Bibi, and suitable equally for men and women, FACEWORKS is Facial Massage which is all about relieving deeply held tension in the tissues of the face particularly, also giving thorough attention to  head, neck and shoulders. This give unused muscles a much needed workout, ironing out those that have crumpled through tension, draining lymphatic congestion, promoting the flow of vital fluids and production of smoothing and firming collagen.

It was born as a result of seeing a massive increase in head neck and jaw tension over the last two and a half years… I felt the need to create something specifically targeting these areas to relieve not only the physical, but also to aid the emotional responses to such tension. A difference can usually be seen and felt after just one treatment, bust as the effects are cumulative you will benefit more from a course of 4 weekly treatments followed by a weekly or monthly visit for maintenance.

3 levels to choose from. Each level, in its own way, smoothing out tense lines of expression as well as the physique, sculpting the contours of the face and giving you an overall uplift.

Also available is Jaw therapy, or Temporomandibular Joint Therapy which targets issues with the jaw and the muscles that surround it, treating the body as a whole as well as working directly in and around the jaw.

As a preventative and ongoing wellbeing option, regular monthly treatments are recommended.

NB. Therapies at Align are not a substitute for medical treatment and appropriate advice should be taken in these areas

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